Emerging Global Trends and the Teaching of Literature
Teaching, African storytelling, Electronic literature, Literature, Teaching techniquesAbstract
Teaching in all sectors is evolving from traditional methods to embrace technology’s multi-faceted reach and potential to expand knowledge and make learning more effective and efficient. As technology advances, so too, does the professional world and consequently education grow and transform. The education sector now can work with a plethora of emerging, innovative teaching techniques, thus creating a more dynamic and impactful learning environments, effective and efficient acquisition of knowledge and skills for the achievement of specific goals. Technology-based learning techniques boast tools to help students address academic challenges. Literature can now also embrace technology through electronic literature (interactive fiction, digital storytelling, narrative games, etc.), which uses games, images, videos, sounds, links, navigations and other digital qualities as an essential part of the reading experience. There are specific tools that could be used in Nigeria, such as writing for cell phones or using an Internet in a Box for schools or communities that may have a computer, but lack internet access. This paper examines the emerging technological trends to better inform local teaching in Nigeria and to most effectively use available technological resources.
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