Multilingual African Digital Semiotics and E-lit Journal (MADSEJ) <p><sup><em><strong>Multilingual African Digital Semiotics and E-lit Journal (MADSEJ) is a peer-reviewed multilingual scientific journal owned by African Electronic Literature Alliance &amp; African Diasporic Electronic Literature (AELA &amp; ADELI), University of Calabar, Calabar-Nigeria in partnership with Digital Humanities Unit of the Faculty of Arts (DHuFArts), University of Uyo, Nigeria.<br /></strong></em></sup></p> AELA & DHuFarts en-US Multilingual African Digital Semiotics and E-lit Journal (MADSEJ) <ul> <li> <p align="justify"><span lang="en-US">Copyrights remain with the authors, who grant the journal the right of first publishing their submitted manuscripts. All materials published by MADSEJ is</span><span lang="en-US"> under an </span><span lang="en-US">Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons License which make </span><span lang="en-US">them accessible to the public and to be shared since authorship and first publication credits are cited.</span></p> </li> <li> <p align="justify"><span lang="en-US">The </span><span lang="en-US"><strong>Attribution 4.0 International (Creative Commons) </strong></span><span lang="en-US">allows the copy and redistribution of the material in any medium or format, as well as its adaptation for any purpose, even commercially.</span></p> </li> <li> <p align="justify"><span lang="en-US">Authors are permitted to give contract for non-exclusive distribution of the version of their works published in MADSEJ. For example, distribution in an institutional repository or as a book chapter but the authors should give credit to MADSEJ as the first to publish the manuscripts as well as acknowledge MADSEJ.</span></p> </li> </ul> Editorial <p>This Maiden Edition of Multilingual African Digital Semiotics and E-lit Journal (MADSEJ) is dedicated to selected peer-previewed articles harvested from the second annual conference African Electronic Literature Alliance International Workshop Conference (AELAIWC2022) whose theme was <em>E-Literary Procedural Creativity on Digital platforms and Metaverse/création numérique procédurale de la Littérature métaverselle et littérature dispositive</em>, virtually anchored from the Centre for Digital Humanities University of Lagos (CEDHUL).</p> Richard Ajah Yohanna Waliya Copyright (c) 2023 Richard Ajah, Yohanna Waliya 2023-10-19 2023-10-19 1 1 i ii The Computer Generation of Novels <p class="western">How do authors use computers, not to write novels with word processors, but to <em>generate</em><span style="font-style: normal;"> novels with computer programs? For those interested in this practice, how to join those who are now working as </span><em>author/programmers,</em><span style="font-style: normal;"> combining writing techniques with computational techniques, developing innovative new ways of producing plots and prose?</span></p> <p class="text-body-indent">There are plenty of exciting opportunities for innovation in the area of computer-generated novels. To look ahead, it’s first appropriate to look back and discover a bit about the history of computer-generated writing. Some discussion of the novel is important, too. Understanding more about this allows us to see how we can now elaborate, question, and combine past work — using new computational methods.</p> Nick Montfort Copyright (c) 2023 Nick Montfort 2023-10-19 2023-10-19 1 1 1 10 Praxis du modèle procédural dans le champ des littératures numériques <p><em>L’article décrit dans un premier temps le modèle procédural. Il s’agit d’un modèle qui décrit, en 4 dimensions, les œuvres numériques et, plus généralement, toute situation sociale à partir d’un concept de dispositif. Ce modèle est alors appliqué à différentes théories préexistantes dans le champ de la littérature numérique pour en pointer les limites. L’article développe ensuite plus particulièrement la dimension sémiotique du modèle et montre que le texte des productions numériques programmées est multidimensionnel et distribué. Il se penche finalement sur quelques problématiques fondamentales dans le champ de la littérature numérique en réfutant les définitions usuelles de cette littérature et en proposant des orientations pour la monstration et la préservation fondées sur une conception spinoziste de l’ontologie des œuvres.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p><em>The article first describes the procedural model. It is a model that describes, in four dimensions, digital works, and more generally, any social situation based on a concept of a system. This model is then applied to various pre-existing theories in the field of digital literature to highlight their limitations. The article then specifically develops the semiotic dimension of the model and shows that the text of programmed digital productions is multidimensional and distributed. Finally, it examines some fundamental issues in the field of digital literature by refuting the usual definitions of this literature and proposing directions for presentation and preservation based on a Spinozist conception of the ontology of works.</em></p> Philippe Bootz Copyright (c) 2023 Philippe Bootz 2023-10-19 2023-10-19 1 1 11 50 Digital Poetics, Machine Intelligence and the Everyday <p>This paper was originally envisioned as a rather generic talk about generative text, poetics, and AI. But as I witness the difficulties faced by Twitter and Meta and ponder the very real cultural problems of North American culture, I feel like my time would be better spent discussing the problems with “development” as a paradigm for understanding digital futures and opening the door to discussing alternate futures as they may arise in an African context. Many global powers have financial and strategic interests in Africa, but their humanitarian interests should be regarded with scepticism. On the other hand, as the US, Europe, China, and Russia increasingly see themselves drawn into economic and political crises, African nations have many opportunities. In place of autonomous machines engineered in the so-called “developed” nations, African autonomy has the potential to play a significant role in the development of global culture in the 21<sup>st</sup> century.</p> <p> </p> Devin Heckman Copyright (c) 2023 Devin Heckman 2023-10-19 2023-10-19 1 1 51 55 Introduction to African Electronic Literature <p>The classification of literature faces challenges from new media and ICT, leading to expanded boundaries, artistic innovation, and reader empowerment. Digital humanities, an emerging trend, has created space for electronic literature, particularly in the Global North. However, African electronic literature lacks critical attention, with scholars questioning the Electronic Literature Organization's limited representation of African works like <em>Flash Fiction Ghana and Bent not Broken.</em> This gap underscores the need to explore African electronic literature comprehensively. My study aims to describe and explore emerging African electronic literature and its subgenres. It delves into the origins, subgenre classification, authorship, and the digital infrastructures supporting this literature. Ultimately, it highlights the potential for African autonomy to shape global culture, particularly as other world powers grapple with economic and political challenges.</p> <p><strong>Résumé</strong></p> <p>La classification de la littérature est confrontée aux défis des nouveaux médias et des TIC, conduisant à un élargissement des frontières, à une innovation artistique et à une responsabilisation des lecteurs. Les Humanités Numériques, une tendance émergente, ont créé un espace pour la littérature numérique, en particulier dans les pays du Nord. Cependant, la littérature numérique africaine manque d'attention critique, les chercheurs remettant en question la représentation limitée par l'Electronic Literature Organization d'œuvres africaines comme <em>Flash Fiction Ghana et Bent not Broken.</em> Cette lacune souligne la nécessité d’explorer la littérature numérique africaine de manière globale. Mon étude vise à décrire et explorer la littérature numérique africaine émergente et ses sous-genres. Il explore les origines, la classification des sous-genres, la paternité et les infrastructures numériques qui soutiennent cette littérature. En fin de compte, cela met en évidence le potentiel de l’autonomie africaine pour façonner la culture mondiale, en particulier alors que d’autres puissances mondiales sont aux prises avec des défis économiques et politiques.</p> <p> </p> Richard Ajah Copyright (c) 2023 Richard Ajah 2023-10-19 2023-10-19 1 1 56 66 Ethical Perspectives of Digital Divide: An African Case Study <p>Only social sciences-based techniques have been used in the numerous publications on the digital divide. A relatively small number of studies have also exclusively examined the digital gap from a philosophical and ethical perspective. An unequal, undemocratic, and unfair society are all products of the digital divide. In addition to raising significant discussion on digital justice, knowledge, power, democracy, globalisation, and information capitalism in Africa, this work raises ethical and moral issues and seeks to address them. This study's justification is that globalisation and information technology go hand in hand. This essay will also go into great detail about how all of these factors relate to information capitalism and how they influence Third World countries, particularly Africa. This research falls under the purview of digital culture and employs textual and critical analysis as philosophical approaches.</p> <p> </p> <p>Résumé</p> <p> </p> <p>Seules des techniques basées sur les sciences sociales ont été utilisées dans les nombreuses publications sur la fracture numérique. Un nombre relativement restreint d’études ont également examiné exclusivement la fracture numérique d’un point de vue philosophique et éthique. Une société inégale, antidémocratique et injuste est le produit de la fracture numérique. En plus de susciter un débat important sur la justice numérique, la connaissance, le pouvoir, la démocratie, la mondialisation et le capitalisme informationnel en Afrique, ce travail soulève des questions éthiques et morales et cherche à les résoudre. La justification de cette étude est que la mondialisation et les technologies de l'information vont de pair. Cet essai examinera également en détail la manière dont tous ces facteurs sont liés au capitalisme informationnel et comment ils influencent les pays du tiers monde, en particulier l’Afrique. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre de la culture numérique et utilise l’analyse textuelle et critique comme approches philosophiques.</p> <p> </p> Charles Berebon Copyright (c) 2023 Charles berebon 2023-10-19 2023-10-19 1 1 67 87 A Starter's Guide to Writing Electronic Literature: Maximizing Audience Engagement for Html5 Works <p>This is a starter's guide to writing electronic literature. It is written to help budding digital artist to maximizing audience engagement for Html5 e-lit works published on the web. Using HTML5/CSS/JavaScript, writers can use a variety of strategies to help maximize audience engagement in works of digital literature. Hopefully, this guide will help form a base on which beginning digital writers can grow and evolve their practice.</p> <p><strong>Résumé</strong></p> <p>Cette guide est faite pour débuter la rédaction de la littérature électronique. Elle a pour but de maximiser l'engagement du public pour les œuvres HTML5 de littérature électronique publiées sur le Web. Grâce à HTML5/CSS/JavaScript, les écrivains peuvent utiliser diverses stratégies pour maximiser l'engagement du public dans les œuvres de littérature numérique. Espérons que ce guide contribuera à constituer une base sur laquelle les débutants artistes numériques pourront développer et faire évoluer leur pratique.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> Alan Bigelow Copyright (c) 2023 Alan Bigelow 2023-10-19 2023-10-19 1 1 88 91