About the Journal

Journal Description

Multilingual African Digital Semiotics and E-lit Journal (MADSEJ) is a peer-reviewed multilingual scientific journal owned by African Electronic Literature Alliance & African Diasporic Electronic Literature (AELA & ADELI), The Nigeria French Language Village, Ajara-Badagry in partnership with Digital Humanities Unit of the Faculty of Arts (DHuFArts), University of Uyo, Nigeria. The multilingual in this context refers to all African languages as many as we have reviewers to review the research and the Digital Arts. Therefore, MADSEJ is a creative, theoretical, methodological, technical, and open-access journal that publishes works twice a year. It was created in 2022 to enable African electronic literary works and digital arts to get wider critical readership and visibility on the Internet and Metaverse.


  • This journal's scope covers research in electronic and metaversal literature, digital culture, digital semiotics, and digital humanities, such as cultural analytics, geospatial mappings, text analytics, data analytics, etc.


  • It also publishes e-literary arts such as Twitterature, Facebookature, Youtubature, Instagramature, TikTokature, WhatsApperature, Mobile and Video Games, Blogfanfic, immersive and metaversal storytelling, including many emergent genres of electronic literature in Africa, written by Africans in Africa, and across the globe.

Instructions to researchers

  • All articles should have an abstract of no more than 150 words. If the article is written in any official African language, the abstract should be in French, English, Arabic, or vice versa.
  • All articles should be no more than 16 A4-size pages, including tables, graphs, references, and a webography, if necessary.
  • The articles should be presented with double-line spacing, in Times New Roman font, and a font size of 12 points.
  • All works cited are to comply with the latest MLA edition.
  • MADSEJ's board of editors will contact the researchers/artists within 20 working days from submission.
  • MADSEJ uses Editorial Manager to peer review manuscript submissions. Please endeavour to read the guide for Editorial Manager authors before making a submission or emailing us.
  • Please supply a short biographical note not more than 150 words.

Instructions to Artists

  • All e-lit works should be written in simple programming languages such as Javascript, CSS HMTL, Imba, and Python. 
  • All immersive storytelling should be based and smartphone-compliant compliant, such as WebXR, AR poetry, etc.
  • MADSEJ does not publish installable digital art or e-lit.
  • MADSEJ uses the email madsej@africanelit.org to submit e-lit manuscripts. 
  • Artist statements should be written in any official African language, French,  English, or Arabic.
  • Please supply a short biographical note of no more than 150 words.

Peer Review Policy

All research articles, interactive digital arts, and electronic literature published in this journal have undergone critical peer review based on editorial screening following the journal's scope and aims and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees for articles and at least three referees for e-literary works.

Authorial Policy

  • Copyrights remain with the authors, who grant the journal the right to publish their submitted manuscripts first. All materials published by MADSEJ are under an Attribution 4.0 International Creative Commons License, which makes them accessible to the public and shareable since authorship and first publication credits are cited.

  • The Attribution 4.0 International (Creative Commons) allows the copy and redistribution of the material in any medium or format and its adaptation for any purpose, even commercially.

  • Authors are permitted to give contracts for non-exclusive distribution of the version of their works published in MADSEJ, for example, distribution in an institutional repository or as a book chapter. However, the authors should acknowledge MADSEJ as the first to publish the manuscripts and credit MADSEJ.



Submit to Multilingual African Digital Semiotics & E-lit Journal (MADSEJ)