"Pharmakon" for Users: Sentiment Analysis of Narratives on WhatsApp


  • Yohanna Joseph Waliya Le Village Français du Nigéria, Ajara-Badagry.
  • Etete Gregory Mbey Université de Calabar

Mots-clés :

Récit, WhatsApp, réseaux socionumériques, Humanités Numérique africaines, pharmakon


Although Derrida's concept of "pharmakon," which denotes the dual valence-positive and negative in oral and written texts, has been extensively investigated in literary, philosophical, and cultural studies, its application to conversations on social media platforms like WhatsApp, particularly in the context of sentiment analysis, remains underexplored. This study scrutinises a dataset of 5,727 messages exchanged by lecturers and administrative staff in the WhatsApp group of the Department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies at the University of Calabar, collected between April 30, 2019, and March 27, 2024. Using natural language processing (NLP) techniques with R, a large language model (LLM), and Microsoft Excel as digital tools, we classify both textual sentiments and participants' sentiments. The analysis aims to foster sustainable peaceful interactions, thereby enhancing productive collaboration within the group.


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Biographies des auteurs

  • Yohanna Joseph Waliya, Le Village Français du Nigéria, Ajara-Badagry.

    Yohanna Joseph Waliya est un poète numérique nigérian, écrivain distant, écrivain ludocinétique, romancier, dramaturge, programmeur en Python, lauréat du prix Janusz Korczak pour le Sud global 2020, chercheur à l'Electronic Literature Organization, boursier Janusz Korczak de l'UNESCO, créateur et conservateur de MAELD et ADELD [mention honorable du prix Emerging Open Scholarship 2022 de l'Institut canadien de la connaissance sociale (C-SKI)], directeur exécutif d'AELA et ADELI (https://africanelit.org), boursier de la Conférence internationale sur l'intelligence artificielle et les médias sociaux [ICWSM] 2021-2022, boursier Scrimba 2022-2023, et boursier Hastac 2021-2023. Il écrit en anglais et en français. 

    Parmi ses œuvres figurent : La récolte de vie (pièce de théâtre), Monde 2.0 (pièce de théâtre), Hégémonie Disparue (roman), Quand l’Afrique se lèvera (roman), Homosalus (poésie numérique), Momenta (poésie numérique), @TinyKorczak (poésie via Twitterbot), Climatophosis (poésie numérique : Meilleure utilisation des humanités numériques à des fins ludiques en 2020), Inferno 2.0 (poésie ludocinétique), etc.

    Il est également enseignant au Département des Études Littéraires et Culturelles, Le Village  Français du Nigéria, Ajara-Badagry, Lagos, Nigeria. Il a obtenu une maîtrise en Littérature Française à l'Université Ahmadu Bello, Zaria, Nigeria. Ses domaines de recherche incluent l'écriture distante, la lecture distante, la poésie numérique, la littérature métaverselle, la  Twitterbot poésie, la Twittérature, les humanités numériques et le discours numérique.

  • Etete Gregory Mbey, Université de Calabar
    Etete Gregory MBEY is a Lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages and Translation Studies, University of Calabar, Calabar. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) in 2021 in French in International Relations, a Master’s Degree in Translation (M.A. Translation, 2015 and a Bachelor’s Degree in French (B. A. French Major, 2008) from the University of Calabar, Calabar. Mbey has attended numerous conferences and have presented papers in some of these conferences. He has undergone pedagogic training/seminars at the Centre for French Teaching and Documentation, a programme organised by the Enugu State Ministry of Education in collaboration with the French Embassy in Nigeria. He was a participant at the 2nd Lagos Summer School in Digital Humanities (LSSDH-2018), and has also taken part in seminar training for Post Graduate Students organised by the University French Teachers Association of Nigeria (UFTAN). Mbey has many articles to his name in French


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Comment citer

Waliya, Yohanna, et Gregory Mbey. « “Pharmakon” for Users: Sentiment Analysis of Narratives on WhatsApp ». Multilingual African Digital Semiotics and E-Lit Journal (MADSEJ), vol. 2, nᵒ 1, décembre 2024, p. 38-57, https://madsej.africanelit.org/index.php/madsej/article/view/16.

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