African Buffalo Optimization to African Digital Culture and African Humanities
Artificial Intelligence, African Digital Culture, African HumanitiesAbstract
The technological invasion of modern societies all over the globe has not spared African culture and humanities. This paper examines the application of the African Buffalo Optimization algorithm to African digital culture and African humanities. The study unravels the great potentials of the optimisation algorithm when deployed to the African cultural space. One of this is the capacity of the African Buffalo Optimisation algorithm to efficiently store and retrieve African cultural artefacts, music and art in digital archives when properly programmed. Next, by careful deployment of the algorithm to analyse and understand African cultural and historical patterns, trends, and dynamics, researchers are able to preserve the African cultural identity to generations yet unborn. Finally, the African Buffalo Optimisation is applicable to the following areas of the African digital culture and African humanities, namely, algorithmic Djembe, digital Griot, optimised Adinkras, cultural heritage analytics and African digital art generation. In the light of the findings of this study, we recommend the application of swarm intelligence optimization techniques to all researchers and scholars involved in African digital culture and African humanities.
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